Sakaja to Gachagua: You’re bigger than just Mt. Kenya

This is the first event the two are seen together with President William Ruto in absentia


• DP Gachagua cautioned men against taking advantage of his statement to slash the hair allowance for their wives.

• This is the first event the two are seen together with President William Ruto in absentia

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Johnson Sajaka and Karen Nyamu at a past event.
Image: DPPP

Johnson Sakaja, the Nairobi Governor has called on Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to spread his wings of mentorship.

Speaking on Sunday after a church service, Sakaja asked the DP that youths across the country needed his mentorship and not only those from his backyard.

"As the Deputy President, mentor all the youths of the Republic of Kenya. Don’t be limited, you’re bigger than just Central Province," he said.

" Youths from Rift Valley, Western, Kakamega needs your mentorship our deputy President Rigathi Gachagua," Sakaja added.

The County boss said that the DP last week already demonstrated mentorship by telling married couples that he gives his wife Sh3000 for salon.

"You gave us mentorship last week. Some of us were using so much money on salon expenses. But we have been told it is Sh3000," Sakaja indicated amid jubilation from the congregants.

However, in a rejoinder, DP Gachagua cautioned men against taking advantage of his statement to slash the hair allowance for their wives.

"The Sh3,000 I said was for Pastor Dorcas. Give your wife what you two are used to even if it is Ksh10,000," he said. 

Governor Sakaja further thanked Gachagua for the support he has been showing the county.

This is the first event the two are seen together with President William Ruto in absentia.

The two UDA leaders have not been seeing eye to eye over their different opinions on decongesting Nairobi’s Central Business District.

However today, it appears they two leaders are back on reading from the same page

In December, Sakaja announced that long-distance matatus would be relocated from the CBD to Green Park Terminus.

But the DP said Sakaja ought to have consulted him before making decisions that affect the businesses of the people of Mt Kenya who gave him votes.

Governor Sakaja, who has insisted that there is no cold war between him and the DP, said some matters should be addressed away from the public.

"I respect Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua as holding a senior position in our party...let me not speak too much about this issue...but there are areas we are not agreeing," he said.

"There are things that we are supposed to do away from public glare and I am concerned that these politics of today are introducing me to tribal dimensions, while all along I have never even imagined profiling tribes."

During an interview on Inooro TV, Gachagua said he has no problem with Sakaja but he is only looking out for the welfare of Kenyans. 

He said he is the bridge between county and the national governments, so he has the mandate to speak up when things are not going well.

"I cannot just sit when things are going wrong. Our government is keen on supporting businesses and not fighting them. I have no problem with  Sakaja,"Gachagua said.

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