'Congratulations my love,' Racheal Ruto celebrates President-elect William Ruto

President-elect William Ruto also celebrated his win crediting it to God.

• Rachel congratulated her husband William Ruto crediting their win to God.

• Ruto had garnered 7.1m while Raila Odinga garnered 6.9m as declared by the IEBC.

President-elect William Ruto with his wife Rachel Ruto
President-elect William Ruto with his wife Rachel Ruto
Image: courtesy

William Ruto's wife Rachel Ruto, has celebrated the decision by the Supreme Court to uphold her husband's win.

Through her social media platforms, Rachel congratulated her husband crediting their win to God.

"Congratulations Bill my love. God has done it. I am proud of you! May He give you the grace & wisdom to lead Kenya into greatness!

Further referring to him as Mr. Bill, Rachel quoted a bible verse, noting that her husband, Ruto was born and destined for the win.

"You were born & destined for this! Heb 10:23, Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm for God can be trusted to keep His promise.."

The Supreme Court of Kenya upheld William Ruto's win as the fifth President of the Republic of Kenya.

Ruto had garnered 7.1m while Raila Odinga garnered 6.9m as declared by the IEBC.

On his social media, President-Elect William Ruto also celebrated his win crediting it to God.

"With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” — Mark 10:27."


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