Pigeon Caught Smuggling Drugs Into Prison!

Piece by: Harun Momanyi

When not using drones to sneek drugs into prisons, prisons abroad seem to have taken this act to a whole new level. This was the recent shocking stunt at La Reforma jail in Costa Rica. The pigeon landed at the central concourse of the prison and the guards noticed something quirky about it. It had 14 grams of heroin strapped in a small pouch. The drugs are estimated to be worth Ksh. 28,737. Also in the bag Cannabis.

However, this is not a new phenomenon in the particular country.

"This (use of a pigeon) is nothing new. In the past (the traffickers) have used cats and dogs to pass drugs to prisoners. Now it seems they are using pigeons to carry in their wares from the outside," Paul Bertozzi, the director of the Penitentiary Police told Spanish news agency Elfe.

Mugshots of the bird were released to the public with a tag "drug dove," and there after it was taken to a zoo where it will remain behind the bars of a cage.

Here are photos of the pigeon;