Nataka fungu langu! Pastor tries to inherit cousins widow as second wife so as to get her property!

Piece by: Geoffrey Mbuthia

My opinion on most pastors is pretty cynical. Why? The sh** they to say the least. Then they strut around all holier than thou, virtue-signaling that they are better than you. But every day we learn how much hypocrisy these " men of God" are engaging in. Take this next story for instance.

Pastor Aaron Makiwa from Norton circuit is being accused of nagging his late cousin’s wife Rebecca Ndagutah. He is forcing her to be his second wife in a bid to secure the deceased’s estate. Rebecca Ndagutah of house number 7012 phase 4.

However, Rebecca insists that her version of events is the truth.She said that after refusing to be his wife, Pastor Makiwa started to threaten her with unspecified actions and insulting her with obscenities.

My take: I don't believe that pastor guy one bit. Trust me, I am a pastor! Hehehe!