Cash reward offered for re-arrest of Kware murder suspect

• Collins Jumaisi Khalusha is said to have escaped from police detention on Tuesday, August 20, along with twelve other suspects.

Cash reward offered for arrest of Kware murder suspect

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has issued a public appeal for assistance in recapturing the main suspect in the Kware murder case, who is reported to have escaped from police custody.

Collins Jumaisi Khalusha is said to have escaped from police detention on Tuesday, August 20, along with twelve other suspects.

He was being held at the Gigiri Police Station and was scheduled to be charged with murder.

In a notice released on Thursday morning, the DCI announced that a cash reward, the amount of which has not been specified, will be offered to anyone who provides information leading to the recapture of the suspect, who hails from Vihiga County.

“The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) seeks public assistance in providing information that may lead to the recapture of Collins Jumaisi Khalusha. He was scheduled to be charged with murder but escaped from police custody on Tuesday 19/8/2024,” the notice read.

It continued, “A substantial cash reward will be given to anyone with credible information that leads to the suspect’s arrest. The suspect is from Shiru location, Shaviringa sub-location, Hamisi Sub-County in Vihiga County.”

Investigators have requested that anyone with information about the suspect’s whereabouts contact them confidentially through the #FichuaKwaDCI hotline at 0800722203, or the police emergency numbers 999, 911, and 112.

Anyone with reliable information may also report to any police station across the country, according to the DCI.

Collins Jumaisi, the main suspect in the murder of several women whose bodies were found at a dump site in Kware, Nairobi, was reported to have escaped from Gigiri Police Station earlier this week.

Jumaisi was among 13 suspects who escaped from police custody. The other 12 escapees are Eritrean nationals.

The incident occurred on Tuesday morning. The police became aware of the escape as they were serving morning tea to the detainees.

The suspects had cut through the wire mesh, which was part of the cell’s security, and had breached the surrounding perimeter wall.

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