30 Kenyans arrested for urinating in the CBD ordered to clean City Mortuary

• He said they are committed to restoring order and dignity in Nairobi.

Kenyans caught urinating in the CBD clean City Mortuary
Image: Geoffrey Mosiria

At least 30 Kenyans who were arrested urinating in Nairobi CBD have been ordered to clean the City Mortuary and other places. 

Nairobi County Chief Officer Environment Geoffrey Mosiria promised to have them released after they were done cleaning.

Some of the people arrested for urinating anyhow were sent to clean Uhuru Park while others were sent to clean the CBD.

"You will be our brand ambassadors in telling people not to urinate in town. Let it be a lesson to others. Whoever is breaking the law, we will arrest them and take them to court and they will continue doing this job."

Mosiria said they had launched a strict crackdown on illegal urination in Nairobi County.

“Anyone caught urinating in the streets of Nairobi will be arrested and face legal action. Tonight, 30 people have been apprehended in the CBD and will appear in court,” said Mosiria.

He said they are committed to restoring order and dignity in Nairobi.

He said they are also targeting those littering and dumping garbage carelessly.

They will open and prudently manage more areas for people to relieve themselves and dump waste.

"We would want to see some of these areas run even at night to help those operating that time. They will be spread all over," he said.

The lack of such facilities forces some of those in need to relieve themselves on the streets.

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