Martha Karua's Narc Kenya announces exit from Azimio


• Karua in a tweet on X said “Our stay in Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance is no longer tenable”.

Narc Kenya Martha Karua, ODM party leader Raila Odinga and Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta at the Jubilee Party National Delegates Convention, Ngong Racecourse on May 22, 2023.
Image: Ezekiel Aminga

Narc Kenya party has issued notice to exit from the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition.

The decision was communicated in a letter addressed to the coalition secretary general Junet Mohammed by Narc Kenya acting secretary general Asha Bashir.

“Kindly take note that our stay in Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition is not tenable due to the prevailing political developments,” she said.

“As NARC Kenya by way of this letter, we are giving notice to exit the Coalition as stipulated in the exit clause (s) in the Coalition Agreement. This notice is effective from the date of this letter,” she added.

Karua in a tweet on X said “Our stay in Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance is no longer tenable”.

Her party’s intention to withdraw from Azimio comes as a surprise considering her assurance during a radio interview on Tuesday that her relationship with coalition boss Raila Odinga was solid.

"We talked not too long ago, and we'll be able to talk again, the lines are open,” Karua said.

In rejecting to be part of the government of national unity, Karua instead called for the strengthening of the opposition to continue mounting pressure on the Kenya Kwanza government to fulfill its promises.

She said Raila's idea to withdraw his candidacy for the African Union Commission would be Godsend to support the mission.

“To his credit, he has said he is even ready to forfeit his candidature at AUC which means he has now freed himself from being arm-twisted," Karua said during the radio interview.

Narc Kenya and Wiper party allies were left out in President William Ruto’s latest nomination to the Cabinet.

The two Azimio constituent parties have consistently declined to be part of the government of national unity mooted by Ruto following a series of street protests sparked by the passage of the unpopular Finance Bill, 2024.

Ruto declined to sign the piece of legislation on June 26, a day after the deadly Occupy Parliament protests that left several dead and scores injured.

The President referred the Bill back to Parliament with recommendations for deletion of all clauses and on July 11, fired his entire Cabinet save for one CS.

Ruto then retreated to “consult widely” before forming what he termed a “broad-based government” that would have the face of the country.

He unveiled the first batch of Cabinet nominees on July 19 in which he retained six former CSs and followed it up with 10 more names on July 24 making 20 the total number of nominees.

Among them are four ODM members; John Mbadi (Treasury); Hassan Joho (Mining and Blue Economy); Wycliffe Oparanya (Cooperatives and MSME Development) and Opiyo Wandayi (Energy and Petroleum).

In a new twist, Raila on Thursday distanced himself from participating in picking the ODM nominees but wished them well in their new assignments.

The Azimio boss was widely believed to have canvased to have members of his party included in the new-look Cabinet.

"I have taken note of President William Ruto's announcement yesterday regarding the reconstitution of the Cabinet to include four members from ODM," Raila said.

“While we extend our best wishes to the nominees and trust that they will contribute positively to national development, we continue to advocate for national engagement under the conditions as previously outlined,” he added.

He said families of dead protesters should be compensated, those still in custody released and cases against them dropped and officers found culpable for shooting protesters prosecuted.

Meanwhile, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has ruled out chances of being part of Ruto's new Cabinet.

He spoke on Thursday after rumours erupted that he was being considered for the yet to be filled slot of Attorney General.

Ruto is yet to name the nominees to the AG’s office and the Ministry of East African Community and ASAL regions.

Kalonzo said he is not ready for any Ruto appointment, terming it a “mirage” and adding; "I think he's expecting too much.”

"Nobody has offered any position to me or to Wiper. That thing about Attorney General is a mirage. I may be senior counsel which is okay, maybe that's the attraction but this guy has been vice president of the republic and has been minister in many portfolios, do you expect me serve to serve Ruto as Attorney General?” Kalonzo posed.

On Friday last week, Kalonzo ruled out joining the government of national unity saying this would be a betrayal, especially to Gen Z and millennials.

Kalonzo said the naming of new office holders in Cabinet is only cosmetic, adding that,"As long as Kenya Kwanza regime remains in place, absolutely nothing will change.”

“We reiterate our public position, that when it comes to siding with Gen Z and the Kenyan people versus the Kenya Kwanza regime, the decision is as obvious as day and night. We will always side and stand with the people of Kenya.”

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