9-month old baby dies in Daycare in Kiambiu slums, Nairobi


•They came back at about 5 pm ready to pick up the boy but found him lying unconscious.


A nine-month-old boy has died at a daycare centre in Kiambiu slums, Nairobi.

The parents of the child told police they left the boy with a woman who runs daycare services within Biafra on Thursday morning to enable them run errands for a living.

The couple do manual work in the area for a living.

This forces them to leave the minor at a daycare centre to work for bread.

They came back at about 5 pm ready to pick up the boy but found him lying unconscious.

They rushed him to Mother and Child Hospital in California where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The cause of the death is yet to be established.

Police visited the centre as part of the probe into the death.

The body, which had no visible injuries was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and probe, police said.

In Butere, Kakamega County, police are investigating the murder of a five-month-old baby.

The child's mother said she went to fetch water and left the baby asleep in the house.

On coming back she found her door wide open and upon entering she found the baby lying dead on the floor.

Police visited the scene and established that the two-roomed semi-permanent mud-walled house was broken into by an unknown person who killed the child.

The body with no visible injuries was moved to Butere Funeral Home awaiting postmortem.

Elsewhere in Kanguruwe area, Kayole, a 32-year-old man was found dead in his room.

Police said the body of Quentine Munyaka Ngina who was a casual laborer was found lying dead on his bed.

The body, which had no visible injuries was moved to Mama Lucy Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.

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