President Ruto explains why he reappointed Kindiki to the cabinet


• Kindiki is among the few CSs who retained their roles in the nominated cabinet.

President Ruto explains why he reappointed Kindiki to the cabinet 

President William Ruto has explained why he nominated Kithure Kindiki as CS for Interior a week after he sent packing all his cabinet.

Kindiki is among the few CSs who retained their roles in the nominated cabinet.

Speaking on Thursday in Tharaka Nithi County, Ruto said Kindiki did well protecting the country at the Interior Ministry and that is why he remains on the docket.

"Nawashukuru tena mmenipatia profesa Kithure Kindiki. Huyu Profesa ndio waziri wetu wa Usalama na huyu jamaa amefanya kazi nzuri. Magaidi wamekwama, Kule Lamu amepanga, kule North Rift hata bandits wamehama," the President said.

This loosely translates to, "I thank you again for giving me Professor Kithure Kindiki. Professor is our Cabinet Secretary for Interior and this guy has done a good job. The terrorists are stuck. In Lamu, he has done a good job and in the North rift even the bandits have left."

Ruto made the remarks as he addressed residents in Tharaka Nithi.

He is scheduled for a series of activities in the county including commissioning of water, electricity and markets development projects in the county.

President Ruto went on to ask the people of Tharaka Nithi if Kindiki should continue with the good job he did at the ministry, to which they responded with a resounding Yes.

"Huyu jamaa anatosha ama hatoshi? Aendelee ama asiendelee? hebu nione kwa mikono."

Ruto insisted that Kindiki should continue the good job of making the country safe.

His visit to the county came a few days after the President reconstituted his cabinet by nominating among others Kindiki, after he dissolved his cabinet.

So far, Ruto has made 20 cabinet appointments.

In these nominations, 11 served in his dissolved Cabinet.

Vetting by the National Assembly's Committee on Appointments is set to begin on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

Kindiki will be the first cabinet nominee to face the Committee at 8 am.

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