KPLC - These 6 counties will experience power interruptions on Thursday

• The interruptions normally occur for scheduled maintenance of the power grid.

KPLC staff at work
Image: Courtesy

Kenya Power and Lighting Company has revealed the counties that will suffer power interruptions on Thursday 11th July 2024.

They are below:


Time: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M

Affected Areas: UN, Gigiri, UN Ave, UN Crescent, Whispers Ave, Daisy Rd, Magnolia Close, Part of Ruaka Rd, Lobelia Drive, Runda Rd, Runda Drive, Mae Properties & adjacent customers.


Time: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Affected Areas: Loitokitok Town, Kimana Town, Amboseli, Imbirikani, Rombo, Njukini, Customs, Ilitilal, Murtot, Ichalai Risa, Sultan Hamud, Pipeline, Kibini Quarry, Mashuru, Ngatu, Emaroro & adjacent customers.


Time: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Affected Areas: Birithia Girls, Mwanda TBC, Mahiga C/Fact, Kenyatta Mahiga High Sch, Kagere Mkt, Gachami Mkt, Mahiga Girls Sch, Mathakwaini Mkt & Sec Sch, Thiriku C/Fact, Mathenge Technical Institute, Gitugi T/Fact, Gitugi Mkt, Munyange H/Centre, Njigari Pri, Rwatheini Village, Kihome Mkt, Miiri Mkt, Gaturuturu Mkt, Gathuthi T/Fact, Ndugamano Sec, Ihithe Mkt & Boys High Sch, Hubuini Village, Mukarara Mkt & adjacent customers.


Time: 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Affected Areas: KRA Offices, Majengo Chief's Camp, Racy Garage, County Sec & Pri Schs, Shell Petrol Stn & adjacent customers.


Time: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Affected Areas: Takataka Solutions, Kawamwaki Farm, Nazareth Hosp, Utee Farm, Brook Hill Sch, Eldo Farm, Utungi, Jomalis & adjacent customers.


Time: 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Affected Areas: Ganze Centre, Palakumi, Ganze Quarry & adjacent customers.

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