No more Harambee's for State Officials- Ruto


• Ruto made the move following an uproar from Kenyans, who demanded change in government.

President William Ruto
Image: Courtesy

President William Ruto has said that no state officer will be allowed to participate in fundraising activities going forward.

The president also directed the state officers to keep off philanthropic activities.

"The Attorney General is hereby directed to prepare and submit legislation to this effect and develop a mechanism for structured and transparent contribution for public, charitable and philanthropic purposes," Ruto said.

Addressing the nation on Friday, Ruto said that these changes will be followed by others he set to roll out soon.

Ruto made the move following an uproar from Kenyans, who demanded change in government.

His directive comes days after Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi  denied contributing Sh20 million to a church fundraiser.

In a video posted on his X page, Sudi explained that Sh20 million was the total contribution during the Harambee and not the amount he donated.

"As a matter of fact, the amount in question was the entire cash raised in the said Harambee. The church contributed Sh14 million on its own. Then we added the extra amount," he said.

The MP said he had been donating to churches long before he became a politician, adding that the source of his money should not be questioned. 

He was responding to a video that has been making rounds on social media platforms, alleging that he donated Sh20 million. 

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