SRC now freezes salary review for all state officers


• On pay cuts as suggested by some MPs, Mengich says that cannot be arbitrarily effected.

SRC chairperson Lyn Mengich
Image: FILE

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has reversed its decision and halted the review of salaries for all state officers.

According to commission chairperson Lyn Mengich, this decision comes after consultations with the National Treasury.

Speaking at a press briefing on Wednesday, Mengich cited recent budget reductions and ongoing national discussions as reasons for the reversal.

Mengich clarified that salary reviews for other public officers at lower levels will continue, taking into account existing contractual obligations.

Regarding proposed salary cuts by members of parliament, Mengich stressed that the legal framework governing such adjustments, noting Kenya's commitment as a signatory to the International Labour Organization (ILO) standards.

"We are not dismissing the possibility of salary cuts, but any adjustments must adhere to existing laws. We welcome dialogue on this matter and are prepared to engage with the Parliamentary Service Commission," she stated.

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