Judiciary significantly reduces bail for Sh10 million 'meat' man

• The decision comes after a public furor over the Sh10 million bond with a similar surety after Mutua had appeared before the court at his hearing.

Paul Mutua
Image: Mpasho

The High Court has reduced the bail amount for Paul Mutua from Sh10 million to a bond of Kshs 150,000/- with 1 surety and in the alternative, cash bail of Kshs 200,000/-.

The order posted on Judiciary Kenya's X page read in part that,

"Considering that the value of the items alleged in the charge sheet filed in Eldoret MCCR/E1433/2024 to have been stolen is approximately, Kshs 37,000,000/-, the Applicant is, in the meantime, admitted to bail/bond and released from custody on reviewed/revised terms from those imposed by the trial Court, namely, bond of Kshs 150,000/- with 1 surety and in the alternative, cash bail of Kshs 200,000/-."

Read some of the comments below after the court's ruling:

Luke@princealvar Citizen journalism does work Indeed

Kmisatih@misatiih We need to call them out more often for sure

1Chelaa™ What happens to the Pressure Class??

MVI@Rhymaholic Something should be done to that judge to make her remember that it is her duty to be just.

Mwalimu Wanjala IGCSE,CBC.@critic_smart Some magistrates will do everything to endanger their lives. This makes sense now

Mzalendo@viosam This one is at least fair

Mambo Mseto  Pressure creasing for sure

The decision comes after a public furor over the Sh10 million bond with a similar surety after Mutua had appeared before the court at his hearing.

The 29-year-old man had been charged before an Eldoret court for stealing goods worth Sh37 million from a popular club in the town during the Finance Bill protests, which he denied.

The list of goods listed as having been stolen from the club during the protests included meat and managu vegetables.

According to the charge sheet, Mutua in the company of others who are still at large broke into Baniyas Club Square on June 25 and stole items including alcohol, electronics, sound systems, utensils, gas cylinders, chairs and food items all valued at more than Sh37 million.

The alternative charge states that the suspect dishonestly retained a channel sound craft mixer, a mini pearl controller DMX and an HDMI box knowing or having reason to believe the items were stolen goods.

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