Isaac Mwaura fails to show up for Citizen TV Interview


• Okwara explained that Mwaura had allegedly requested for the interview to address the ongoing Finance Bill 2024 demos among other things.

Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura.
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State House Spokes person Isaac Mwaura left Kenyans disappointed after failing to show up for a planned interview on Citizen TV.

The interview which was to be held by Yvonne Okwara ended up not happening.

Okwara explained that Mwaura had allegedly requested for the interview to address the ongoing Finance Bill 2024 demos among other things.

"On this second day of July, we had every intention of hosting the government spokes person Isaac Mwaura.. This interview was at his request which came this afternoon/ early evening, we granted his request on the 'The Explainer' tonight, but he chose not to be here, If a person chooses not to be here 'The Explainer' must go on." She insisted

The Explainer is a show that runs on Citizen talking the different things going on in the society but most especially in the government.

 Kenyans have had different reactions to the no show, here are some of their reactions.

@JogooRangi: Yvonne Okwara has started the 9pm news by a disclaimer that Isaac Mwaura will be on the explainer but only because he called and begged for it! Few minutes later the guy sent back word saying he wouldn't be coming after all. Someone hold me injekt

@I_amShiti: Ukiwa state officer alafu Sam Gituku ama Yvonne Okwara wakuinvite Citizen TV to discuss national matters heri tu usiende because however how much you prepare, these two will unmask you .

@omwambaKE: Yaani Government Mwaura Isaac Mwaura begged for an Interview with Yvonne Okwara on Citizen TV Tonight only for Isaac Mwaura to go underwater? Class, Does the pressure Increase or Decrease?


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