Eric Kiratu shot dead during Finance Bill 2024 buried

• The burial of Rex Maasai has been postponed due to undisclosed issues.

Eric Sheini who died during the Finance Bill 2024 buried in Narok.
Image: Courtesy

Eric Sheini Kiratu, one of the individuals shot during the recent Finance Bill protests, has been buried in Olulunga, Narok South.

Another protester, Ibrahim Kamau, 19, has also been laid to rest. Kamau had just completed high school and planned to study electrical work.

“He was operating a motorcycle taxi while he waited to join college,” his mother, Wanjiku, told The Associated Press during her son’s funeral on Friday.

Kamau was the first victim of Tuesday’s protests to be buried in a Muslim ceremony.

Evans Kiratu, who was also shot dead during the protests, was buried on June 28, 2024, at their home in Kiambu.

The burial of Rex Maasai has been postponed due to undisclosed issues.

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