LSK - 2 abducted Kenya School of Law members found dumped in unknown locations

• Okayo, who reports indicate appeared to have been tortured, is currently recuperating at Avenue Hospital in Thika. 

Joshua Okayo
Image: Courtesy

The President of the Kenya School of Law (KSL) Student Governing Council, Joshua Okayo, who was reportedly abducted by police last Wednesday, has been found alive.

Concerned comrades raised alarm on Thursday, June 27, when he went missing during the peak of the anti-Finance Bill demonstrations. The group addressed the press, demanding his unconditional release.

Okayo was discovered near Margua River in Murang'a County. The news of his rescue was announced by LSK President Faith Odhiambo, who revealed that he is recovering at Avenue Hospital in Thika, possibly suffering from psychological trauma.

KSL also confirmed on their Twitter account: "Further to yesterday’s statement regarding Mr. Joshua Okayo, the current President of the KSL Student Governing Council 2024, the School is happy to report that Joshua has been found today 28/06/2024 in Muranga County. He is receiving assistance to assure his wellbeing. 1/2."

On her platform, President Odhiambo confirmed the rescue of Okayo and Regis Wanjala, another student who went missing the same day.

"We have confirmation that two comrades were dumped at unknown locations after their abductions. Joshua Okayo was dumped somewhere in Murang’a after being abducted in Rongai on Wednesday," she stated. Concern was also expressed over Regis, who was found dumped in a tea plantation in Ruiru.

"The two are safe but currently receiving medical attention and are still shaken up from the ordeal. We shall seek justice for these unfortunate actions by the police. Justice be our shield and defender," she added.

President Odhiambo joins many Kenyans in condemning police abductions and the detention of protestors.

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kenya school of law courtesy twitter

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