A compilation of major cities that led the Anti-tax demonstrations


• During yesterday's protests, more than 30 counties out of 47 counties showed up for the democratic activity observed countrywide.

Anti-finance bill Protests

Tuesday marked a dark day for Kenya after several protesters were shot dead during the anti-finance bill protests.

At the time the protests were rocking different parts of the country MPs were busy in parliament passing the bill. It sailed through the third reading after all the proposed amendments were made and now the President is expected to sign the bill into law.

During yesterday's protests, more than 30 counties out of 47 counties showed up for the democratic activity observed countrywide.

Among the leading countries fighting the Finance Bill 2024 were Mombasa and Nairobi.

Below is a compilation of the counties that showed up on the streets.

Nairobi County

The Capital city of Kenya faced immense brutality from the authorities while holding peaceful protests that even led to several fatalities.

Mombasa County

The county that led peaceful demonstrations all around the town during the day later faced some police force leading the Mombasa Governor to lecture authorities in the middle of the streets.

Uasin Gishu County

Eldoret - the city of champions was yesterday brought to a standstill as protesters tried to make their voices against the Finance Bill to be heard.

Businesses associated with the legislatures that voted against the people's will were also attacked as they even went on to vandalize Timba XO owned by Oscar Sudi.

Nakuru County

The newest city in the country brought a showdown as protesters matched toward the City's State Lodge.

Police officers were spotted firing live bullets at the people as chaos went from bad to worse having people running helter-skelter.

Counties where anti-Finance Bill protests are happening as at 10:50am Tuesday 

  1. Nairobi
  2. Mombasa
  3. Kisumu
  4. Nakuru
  5. Uasin Gishu
  6. Nyeri
  7. Laikipia
  8. Homa Bay
  9. Kisii
  10. Turkana
  11. Nyeri
  12. Narok
  13. Nyandarua
  14. Kwale
  15. Bungoma
  16. Tana River
  17. Murang'a
  18. Makueni
  19. Trans Nzoia
  20. Isiolo 

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