Comforting last words Judge Monica Kivuti heard in her final moments

• Magistrate Kivuti was shot following a ruling involving the wife of a police officer, Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, the Officer Commanding Station (OCS) at Londiani Police Station in Kericho County.

The late Magistrate Monica Kivuti
Image: Handout

Late Makadara Law Court Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti's death has devastated her family. Her husband recently spoke about how he received the news of her shooting and their final moments together before she succumbed to her injuries.

Addressing mourners during her eulogy, he recounted the harrowing moments:

"I was working from home when Monica's older sister, Dr. Lucy Bitok, called me to ask if I had received any calls. I replied that I hadn't, aside from the usual ones from clients.

She gently broke the news to me that she had been informed by Makadara Law Courts that Monica had collapsed at work and had been rushed to Metropolitan Hospital in Buruburu. She urged me to get there quickly."

He sensed something was amiss when he received a second call: "I hurriedly got dressed and drove from Lavington towards Buruburu.

While on Ngong Road, Lady Justice Diana Muchache called, sounding frantic and unable to clearly convey her message. She promised to call back."

"At that moment, I knew there was trouble. Initially told Monica had fainted, I assumed her illness had worsened, leading to her collapse at work."

"Justice Muchache eventually called again, unsure of how to deliver the news. She simply said Monica had been shot. Fortunately, I was composed enough to continue driving safely. Upon reaching the hospital, I found her in the emergency room, just admitted.

She was in great pain, not yet sedated. When I spoke her name, she responded. Despite her pain, she calmed down and asked about Ariana," he recalled.

"Ariana is our young daughter, just a year and a half old. I assured her Ariana was fine. Those words seemed to comfort her because shortly after, she closed her eyes and fell silent. Those were the last words we exchanged."

Magistrate Kivuti was shot following a ruling involving the wife of a police officer, Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, the Officer Commanding Station (OCS) at Londiani Police Station in Kericho County.

Dissatisfied with the court's decision, the officer reportedly went on a rampage, opening fire at the magistrate and others around 1:45 pm.

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