KPLC: This 4 counties will experience power interruptions today

• The utility company announced that the interruptions will occur at various times between 8am and 5pm.


Kenya Power will conduct scheduled system maintenance on Thursday in selected areas across four counties. The utility company announced that the interruptions will occur at various times between 8am and 5pm.

The planned power outages are necessary to facilitate network maintenance.

The affected areas are located in Nairobi, Kiambu, Nyeri, and Laikipia counties.

County: Nairobi

Affected Area: Embakasi East, Garrison, Baraka East, and nearby customers.

County: Kiambu

Areas affected:  Ndume, Forthsmith, Vetlab Golf, Uthiru Gichagi, Uthiru Girls, Uthiru, Genesis, Alternative Energy, AVOIL Industries, Kamenu East, Corners 1, 2, and 3, Kimunchu Police Station, Kimunchu Primary, Jua Kali, Mali, Kiang'ombe East, Burudika, Athena, Kwa Ali, Kenyatta Primary, Steph Joy Girls, Kagia Farm, Acre Tano, Thamanda, Zambezi, Gitangu, Kiambaa, Kerwa, Heka Moja, Utafiti, Kanyanjara, Kahuho, Universal, Rubi's, Kamuguga Dairy, and nearby customers.

County: Nyeri

Affected areas: Endarasha, Mweiga, Bondeni, Solio Ranch, Kieni Dairy, Watuka, Charity, Kimunyuru, Kanyagia, Kamatongu, Mwereri, Mweiga Blooms, Ambone, and MJR Garangi.

County: Laikipia

Affected areas: Mukima, KHE, Professor Mugambi, Nyariginu, Murungai, Balungi Farm, Kwa Mwaura, Mukima Primary, Beisa Hotel, St. Jude, and surrounding areas will be affected by the outages.

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