KOX reacts to protesters riding horses during CBD protests


• The Finance Bill has caused a lot of issues among Kenyans who think the proposals are punitive.

Police on horseback
Image: Mpasho

The Finance Bill has created numerous memorable moments, some of which will be remembered fondly while others may be seen as awful.

One of the more positive highlights involves two individuals who were captured riding horses during the protests.

Below are some of the reactions from Kenyans on X:

Albert@SrAlbertK·The fear is gone

Freddy In His Batman Era@fredfelloff·i see heroes

KAaron Musira@aaronmusira There will be signs

Farhiya Abass@farhiyaabass·The real Faras ndiyo hii

Wall Street Guru@Bezeley_MBChB·#REJECTFINANCEBILL2024

Sio Leo@lipundaKEYaani the fear is gone

Guylarious@hezken·#REJECTFINANCEBILL2024 beautiful scenes

@_harry11_·But where did blud learn how to ride a horse so professionally

Ka free palestine@the_warm_fruit·Please avoid posting videos of people who can later be identified for prosecution. Keep them private or cover faces. #RejectFinanceBill2024


Narasha engineering@muigaijereThis made my day

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