Kisumu youth mimic Biblical Zacchaeus in demo


• “Ruto shuka chini, Shuka chini Ruto bwana"

A man is seen perched atop a tree in Kisumu during the Finance Bill, 2024 protests on June 20, 2024.
Image: Screengrab

In a striking display of protest reminiscent of biblical tales, youth in Kisumu dramatized their opposition to the proposed tax increases under the Finance Bill on Thursday.

Portraying the story of Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector, a group of young demonstrators gathered along Kenyatta Highway, with one member perched atop a tree symbolizing Zacchaeus. He wore black pants and a shirt decorated with black and white stripes.

While chanting and waving banners, the youth pleaded with President William Ruto to reconsider the tax hikes.

“Ruto shuka chini, shuka chini Ruto, shuka chini Ruto bwana,” they chanted.

The dramatic display of Zacchaeus descending from the tree echoed their plea for the government to 'come down' from its stance on the contentious financial measures. After some minutes, the man who had initially defied the calls was later seen coming down from the tree as the youth received him with cheers.

The proposed tax measures, which have sparked widespread concern among citizens, have led to protests in various parts of the country. Besides Nairobi, which was the epicenter of the demonstrations, protests were also witnessed in Eldoret, Kakamega, and Nyeri.

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