Kenyans on X react to 'Occupy Parliament' protests

• Several Kenyans have also taken to the streets to protest against the amendment of the bill

Kenyans on X are reacting to the hash tag Reject Finance Bill 2024. Several Kenyans have also taken to the streets to protest against the amendment of the bill.

Below are some reactions for KOX;

Maxwell Kiptoo: Mr president @WilliamsRuto it’s time to take action before it’s too late. Kenyan youths feel betrayed. They are hopeless. This is different generation. They take anything into their hands.

Mutinda: Police officers should understand the fight isn’t against the people, the enemy is the Finance bill!

Muvchai Michelle: Tweeting this eyes full tears and nose running from tear gas. These people are absolutely sick in the head but we’re not going home. Mwaaah!

 Gubtavo: It is only in Kenya where citizens engage in peaceful protests, but the Police make it violent.

 Duke Mtambo: The fear is gone. No Raila, no opposition leader. It’s purely a MOVEMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. RUTO MUST GO!

Captain Charisma: READY!! DO NOT BE AFRAID! They can not arrest everybody!! WE ARE READY!! Enough is enough! It’s revolution time

Alinur Mohamed: We are demanding the release of Hanifa Farsafi and other peaceful protestors who have been arrested at Archives while peacefuly demonstrating. Protesting is a right enrishned in our constitution. Police should know that.

KHRC: This regime’s display of force proves that power is in your hands. They are bringing guns, bullets, batons, teargas and water cannons because they fear you. Stand firm. #OccupyParliament and force your MPs to #RejectFinanceBill2024.

Ms Kamaitha: They have not removed any tax on sanitary pads. The tax is on 'only imported pads' .Now, go to your local supermarket and tell me which pads are locally produced. 98% of pads on our shelves are imported.

Eric: Ruto thought 2027 will be a walk in the park. Buy opposition all you want but the current generation will show things are not as usual.

Helmut Herzburg: With all due respect your excellency @WilliamsRuto just withdraw the whole bill and stop bleeding us dry. We have no breathing room.

Mwenda Mutegi: I come from Meru County, where cancer cases are increasing at an alarming rate. The proposed 16% VAT on treatment in Finance Bill 2024 would make it even harder for people to afford care in my community. We need #HealthcareForAll & to #RejectFinanceBill2024! #CancerAwareness

Coach Ronald Okoth: Hats off to Gen Z , these lads throw everything into any kitchen sink without any fear Extremely vocal & walk their talks. They come out to support their preferred football clubs & also turned out in numbers to call out the government These bunch was built different

Ve Tu: Government main agenda was to support youths but now it's against youths

Jug: Clouds are gathering.I wonder what happened with the "Hustler"narrative.Its time. Inneed it's time #RUTOMUSTGO #RejectFinanceBill2024.

Bryan: Tax kwa mkate hata hatuna haja, tutakula ngwaci...hiyo ya breach of privacy by KRA ndio tukona haja itolewe sana sana.#rejectfinancebill2024

 Regina Phalange: I have never been this proud to be Kenyan. More power to all of you out there, we are pushing the tags restlessly

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