Spot where Mountaineer Cheruiyot Kirui died named after him


• Kirui's body was found at 8,800m, just 48 meters from the summit of the world's longest mountain. 

Mountanieer Cheruiyot who died at the peak of the world's tallest mountain Everest.

The spot at which mountaineer Cheruiyot Kirui died on Mt Everest has been named after him in his honor.

Everest Today said Kirui's body was found at 8,800m, just 48 meters from the summit of the world's longest mountain. 

His family said it's impossible to piece together the sequence of events leading to his death but it's certain Kirui and his Nepali guide took a fall.

Everest Today, an organization that documents mountaneering events in the Himalayas, said Kirui will be honoured by naming the spot at which he died after him. 

This, it said, is in recognition of his exploits as the first African to almost summit Mt Everest without using supplementary oxygen.

"Let's call Cheruiyot Kirui's death spot on Mt Everest (8848.86m) 'Cheruiyot Point' honouring the first African almost to the summit of Everest without using supplementary oxygen," Everest Today said in a statement.

Everest Today further suggested that a mountain in Kenya be named after the professional mountaineer to honour him in his homeland.

"Also, there should be one mountain named after Cheruiyot Kirui 'Mt Cheruiyot', in Kenya honouring the first African who almost to the summit of Everest without using supplementary oxygen."

Cheruiyot Kirui
Cheruiyot Kirui

Kirui, a banker by profession, embarked on a journey to conquer Mt Everest, the world’s highest mountain, accompanied by a Nepali climber Nawang Sherpa.

The fact that he even did it without supplemental oxygen highlights his determination, courage, and relentless pursuit of a formidable goal despite the risks.

Kirui's memories will remain in the hearts and minds of his family, friends and colleagues for ages.

The tragic end to his daring expedition serves as a poignant reminder of the extreme challenges and dangers faced by mountaineers.

Any height above 8,000 metres is known as the “death zone”.

Oxygen at this level is so limited that the body's cells start to die, and judgment becomes impaired.

Everest’s summit has approximately one-third the air pressure that exists at sea level and the chances of success are much less than when climbing without supplemental oxygen.

It lies at a latitude of about 28 degrees and straddles the borders of Nepal and China.

While he was much aware of the risks involved, Kirui was confident of coming back alive.

He studied every detail of Everest, from the perilous ice fall to the notorious "death zone".

He knew the risks were immense, but his resolve was unwavering.

“I would want to make it out alive so I will do my research, look at the options available to me, check whether I'm ready physically and gear-wise,” he said in a past interview with the Star.

He would have been the first African to reach the summit of the mountain which is 8,849 metres above sea level.

In a statement, Cheruiyot's family said they are saddened by his tragic death.

"We are all saddened by what happened to our brother Cheruiyot Kirui on Mt Everest," the statement read.

According to the family, Cheruiyot lost radio communication with Basecamp in the early morning of May 22, 2024, on his summit push.

They said he was reported missing by his expedition company and immediately a team of rescue sherpas stationed at camp 4 were dispatched to the point of last contact.

"Cheruiyot's body was discovered at an altitude of 8,800m, 48 meters from the summit. Whereas it is impossible to determine the exact sequence of events, we know that Cheruiyot and his sherpa took a fall," the family added.

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