Govt. gives vacation notice to tenants in 6 Nairobi estates


• They are expected to vacate the houses before or on April 30, 2024.

A female construction worker continues with her work at the site of Nyeri Blue Valley Affordable Housing in Nyeri on February 16, 2024
Image: PCS

The national government has issued a notice instructing tenants residing in six Eastland estates, namely Jogoo Road Phase I and II, Jamaa, Mbotela, Ahero, and Mawenzi Gardens, to vacate their houses within at least 60 days.

Housing PS Charles Hinga explained that these estates are earmarked for the Affordable Housing Program as part of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.

According to PS Hinga, several old estates have been identified for redevelopment to increase rental stock, offer houses for sale at affordable rates, and create job opportunities for the youth.

To facilitate the redevelopment, all tenants in these government estates must vacate immediately, with a deadline set for April 30, 2024.

However, tenants must settle all outstanding rent arrears, utility bills, and service charges before vacating.

Tenants who comply with the vacation requirement will receive priority when purchasing or renting a house after the redevelopment is complete.

The Affordable Housing Program is seen as a solution to the country's housing crisis, aiming to provide jobs to about a million people annually.

In the 2023-24 financial year, the government allocated Sh35.2 billion towards the Housing program.

Despite setbacks, such as the declaration of the Housing Levy as illegal by the High Court on November 28, 2023, the government continues to mobilize resources for the construction of affordable and social housing units.

The overall target is to construct 200,000 affordable housing units annually, generating between 600,000 and one million jobs each year.

However, the Appellate Court dismissed the application to stay the High Court's ruling on the 1.5 percent Housing Levy, deeming it illegal.

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