Autopsy confirms Slain lecturer Dr Mbutu was hit in the head twice


• No arrest has been made so far in connection with the murder and robbery.

• He had bruises on his neck suggesting he had been mugged in the process of being hit.

Missing Person
Image: Courtesy

A university lecturer whose body was found at Bus Stop in Nairobi was hit by a blunt object in the head, which caused his death, an autopsy shows.

Dr Samuel Mbutu Mararo, 37 had two injuries to the head.

He also had bruises on his neck suggesting he had been mugged in the process of being hit.

“He had trauma on his head and bruises on the neck. The pathologist has suggested this caused his death,” the deceased’s brother John Kagiri said.

This enabled his attackers to rob him of his belongings and leave him for dead.

The postmortem was conducted at the City Mortuary by pathologist Simon Omwok.

Kagiri said they on Tuesday moved the body to Nyeri as preparations for his burial take shape.

No arrest has been made so far in connection with the murder and robbery.

It has emerged that Mbutu who was a lecturer at the University of Nairobi, Kisumu Campus had travelled from Kisumu to the capital to visit his family.

He had alighted from a bus at the Machakos Country Bus Station and planned to hop to another one for his Kariobangi house.

He taught political science.

It was after he had arrived at the Machakos Country Bus station that he was attacked on February 19 night.

Mbutu’s body who was initially reported missing was found at the City Mortuary on February 27.

Officials said his body was taken to City Mortuary on February 20 after being found lifeless at the bus stop.

Police booked it as an unidentified male adult.

The officers at the Kamukunji police station who took the body there are on the spot for failing to pursue the matter immediately the family reported Mbutu was missing.

Kagiri said they reported the matter to the station two days after the body had been found and given the officers from the same jurisdiction collected and took the body to the mortuary they expected them to immediately pursue it.

“They did not bother to go and confirm yet we reported there,” he said.

Police said the gang behind the murder stole Mbutu’s laptop, mobile phone and cash.

It is not clear how the gang managed to access his Mpesa account and use it to transact.

The thieves used his MPesa account to withdraw an unknown amount of money.

Police said they had established the thieves made the transactions in Kayole.

Nairobi area police boss Adamson Bungei said no arrest has been made over the murder and robbery but a team is pursuing the same.

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