Drama as body preserved in Nakuru morgue over family dispute mysteriously disappears

• The body had been preserved for the last six months since September last year, in an ongoing family feud over burial rights. 

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

A female body at the center of a family dispute is alleged to have disappeared from the Nakuru War Memorial Hospital in controversial circumstances.

The body had been preserved for the last six months since September last year, in an ongoing family feud over burial rights. An outstanding bill of sh900k is owed to the morgue.

The hospital's Chief Executive Officer  Patricia Musale told KTN that the body had been at the facility arising from problems between a father and his children.

The woman had been receiving treatment at the War Memorial Hospital but died while undergoing treatment at the ICU. Her body was moved to the morgue.

On February 15, 2024, the children were granted orders by the court to bury their mother.

The morgue was approached by the children seeking ways to settle the bill, and an agreement was reached with the hospital lawyer.  But a few days later, the body mysteriously disappeared.

The unknown thieves tried to first take the body to the Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, however, its management declined to preserve the body. This then led to the second option of Umash Funeral Home.

Umash called War Memorial to enquire about a body being transferred without the necessary documents, prompting the matron to report the matter to Kaptwembo Police.

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