Man arrested for allegedly beating daughter,7, to death in Embakasi


• The girl was reportedly running away from his father who was “disciplining” her for unknown issues, police said.

Man Arrested

A man was arrested after his seven-year-old daughter fell and later died while he was disciplining her at their house in Embakasi, Nairobi.

The girl was reportedly running away from his father who was “disciplining” her for unknown issues, police said.

She hit a table and fell backwards fatally injuring herself in the Tuesday incident.

The man rushed her to a nearby clinic where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

The distraught father told police it was not his wish to have his daughter dead.

Police said the body had visible injuries on the neck, hands and swollen forehead.

The officers detained the man as the body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy.

The incident comes amid calls for caution from parents and guardians when disciplining their children.

Meanwhile, a child aged eight months suffocated on his bed where he was sleeping outside their house in Enzui, Mwingi, Kitui county.

The baby was in the house with his elder sibling aged four years on Monday when the incident happened.

Police said their mother told them she had left the two sleeping on a mattress under a shade and went to a nearby farm for chores.

When she came back an hour later she found the younger child had suffocated under a blanket.

The elder brother did not know the younger sibling had died.

The woman called for help but it was too late. The body was moved to a local mortuary pending autopsy and other investigations.

And police in Mbale, Busia county are investigating an incident in which a man was found dead on the roadside.

The unidentified body of the middle-aged man was found lying on the roadside with visible fresh injuries on the right lower limb and swollen hands.

It is suspected the man was killed elsewhere and the body dumped at the scene.

The body was removed to Busia County Referral Hospital awaiting autopsy.

No arrest has been made over the Monday incident, police said.

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