Love affair linked to death of Siaya Pastor


• The deceased who is about 60 years old, the police established, had a deep cut on the right side of the forehead.

• The lifeless body of the pastor, whom we have withheld his name, was found along a footpath on Wednesday morning.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

Police in Gem in Siaya County are investigating an incident where a pastor is suspected to have been killed over a love triangle.

The lifeless body of the pastor, whom we have withheld his name, was found along a footpath on Wednesday morning.

The clergyman, it was reported, was a preacher of the gospel at a local church in the area.

"It was reported that the body of a male adult had been spotted on a footpath within Mawua 'B' village, Malanga Sub Location in North Gem Location," Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo said in a statement.

The deceased who is about 60 years old, the police established, had a deep cut on the right side of the forehead.

The murder is suspected to have been committed elsewhere before the body was ferried to the scene as it bore no signs of struggle and had minimal blood stains, said Kimaiyo.

"Preliminary intelligence which will be subjected to intense probe pointed at a possible love triangle involving the deceased and a married woman in the locality," the police statement read.

The body was moved to Yala Sub County Hospital Mortuary awaiting post-mortem examination.

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