Three to be charged for Varsity students murder


• The third-year student was found with stab wounds in the stomach along the Nakuru-Mogotio road near Kampi Ya Moto trading centre.

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

Some three students will today be arraigned over the murder of a Kabarak University nursing student.

Detectives are expected to make a miscellaneous application in court to detain the three as they investigate the murder of Derrick Malumasa Sabuni, 23.

The three were arrested on Friday evening following a probe by detectives at the scene where the body was found hours earlier.

Police also established that Sabuni may not have been killed at the scene where his body was found on Friday morning.

The third-year student was found with stab wounds in the stomach along the Nakuru-Mogotio road near Kampi Ya Moto trading centre.

Elsewhere at the Milimani law courts in Nairobi, the defence hearing of a case where former Samburu Governor Moses Lenolkulal is charged with Sh84 million corruption starts.

That is after the Anti-Corruption Court last year found a prima facie case against Lenolkulal.

Chief Magistrate Thomas Nzioki ruled that Lenolkulal and nine other co-accused persons including county officials will be put on their defence.

Lenolkulal faces abuse of office, conflict of interest and unlawful acquisition of public property.

The court arrived at the prima facie finding after considering evidence adduced by 11 prosecution witnesses and 388 documentary exhibits.

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