Questions raised over mysterious death of newly admitted Form 1 Kilungu Boys student

Form Oen student who died 12 days after reporting to school

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

A family is demanding answers after their son w ho was recently admitted to Form One in Kilungu Boys, died mysteriously.

The young man in question is said to have experienced stomach pains according to school officials.

The family however discount those claims alleging that they suspect he could have died from beatings.

They want a post mortem conducted to establish the cause, expressing concern over the state of his body.

The family gathered at Kilungu Level Three  Hospital in Makueni where they told Citizen TV that he had joined Form One on January 15 in a healthy state.

Ten days later they got a call from the school to proceed to Kilungu Mortuary and identify their sons body.

The shocking Joshua Kaimeny, the father questioned why they didn't inform him there was a problem with his son while he was still alive

"I was not told as a parent to come and see my child. But they instead took him to the mortuary without letting me see him. What are they hiding? Because my son has never had a medical condition. He has never had a medical complaint, so where did this problem come from" he posed

They are also blaming the school for poor communication. They were told that Emmanuel was rushed t hospital with a stomach ache, 

"Lakini nashindwa, hii shida ilitokea wapi? He has never had any medical problems. Kijana ni mpole, he is obedient, he has never given us problems. Sijui mambo ilitokea wapi. "

At the mortuary, the family inspected Emmanuals boy, and noticed facial injuries.

Injuries on his forehead were of concern to his parents, indicating there was more to the story.

"I found the boy had an injury here on the forehead. " an aunt to the deceased told Citizen


"It was a deep depression on the forehead. I was wonderign what coudl have happened to cause such a deep depression,, it was also on the top of head.

"The report that we were given showed they brought him to be treated. The report said he was brough to the hospital already dead. So we want to know what is it they are trying to hide? " she asked

Another relative also todl of the same details, 

Kilungu Hospital Medical Superitendant Dr evelyne Kitungo 

"He was brought in as a body. He was dead on arrival, He was accompanied by a teacher. So no treatment took place in pour facility" she revealed details.

"Nor did any resuscitation take place in our facility. The Head teacher Geoffrey Muema told Citizen they were shocked when the school was informed that Emmanuel had died 

"This student fell sick and we did what we could, rushing him to the hospital to see whether we could save his life. The information that they boy had got injuries is false and can be confirmed through the medical report and also through the officers who are investigating" he insisted.

A post mortem on the body will be conducted in Nairobi, after the body was transferred tot he Capital city.

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