Machogu shares heartwarming backstory behind schoolboy holding umbrella for him


• The photo that sparked controversy showed the young learner holding an umbrella for the CS, prompting criticism on social media.

Viral hoto of learner holding umbrella for Education CS Ezekiel Machogu in Muranga on January 16, 2024
Image: Handout

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu responded to the social media uproar surrounding a viral photo of a learner holding an umbrella for him.

Machogu clarified that the learner approached him seeking assistance with school fees, uniform, and shoes.

He emphasized that it was not his request for the learner to hold the umbrella but rather an initiative taken by the child to draw attention.

"I went somewhere, and the learner wanted to get the attention of the CS. The learner wanted school fees, uniform, and even shoes," Machogu explained.

"That small guy insisted on standing beside me with an umbrella. He comes from a background that you and I don't."

Machogu mentioned that the media and social media users misinterpreted the situation. Despite the misconceptions, he highlighted that he engaged with the young learner, addressing his needs.

The Education CS shared that he often encounters needy children who use the opportunity to voice their concerns.

During the event where Machogu spoke, he presided over the distribution of 1,000 scholarships by the KCB Foundation in Nairobi.

The previous day, he participated in the Murang'a Child Bursaries awarding ceremony at Mumbi Stadium in Murang'a County.

The photo that sparked controversy showed the young learner holding an umbrella for the CS, prompting criticism on social media.

Some individuals called for an apology, while others defended Machogu, explaining that the child volunteered to provide shade, and the CS responded by assisting him with money and purchasing uniforms.

CS Machogu utilized the occasion to award bursaries to top performers in the 2023 KCPE exams in the region, specifically targeting students with disabilities and orphans.

He was accompanied by Public Service CS Moses Kuria, Murang'a County Governor Irungu Kang'ata, Senator Joe Nyutu, Women Rep Betty Maina, and Maragua MP Mary Wamaua Waithira.

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