Three suspects linked to Meru blogger Sniper murder detained for 21 days


• Sniper disappeared on December 2 before his body was discovered on December 16, 2023.

Daniel Muthiani
Image: Courtesy

Three of six suspects linked to the murder of Meru blogger Daniel Muthiani alias Sniper will spend 21 days in custody as the police conclude their investigations.

This is after Kibera senior resident magistrate William Lokopoiyot granted the orders following the application by the detectives who sought more days to conclude their investigations.

In the application, the DCI averred that they needed ample time to unravel the complex nature of murder among them tracing the last movement of the deceased person.

"We have more evidence that has vital information, also the phones recovered from the suspect are yet to be taken to the laboratory for examinations, " Detective Geofrey Tegei told the court.

He added that justice for the victims and his family will not be attained if the suspects are released before the investigations are completed.

Sniper disappeared on December 2 before his body was discovered on December 16, 2023.

More suspects were arrested and grilled in Meru last week as part of the probe.

They are expected in Nairobi for the court sessions.

An autopsy examination conducted on the body of the deceased at the Marimanti Level 4 Hospital mortuary in Tharaka Nithi County revealed that he died of strangulation.

Government pathologist Johansen Oduor said Sniper had marks on his neck and exhibited signs of a person who had lacked oxygen.

He also had fractured ribs and showed injuries on his head which suggested that he was strangled before being thrown into a river.

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