Government bans 'Park N Chill' events in Kiambu Coffee Farms


• The events were banned by Kiambu county commissioner Joshua Nkanatha .

• A crackdown on those breaking this rules is ongoing.

Image: BBC

The park and chill events which have seen young Kenyans throng tea plantations around Kiambu county to make merry have been banned by Kiambu county commissioner due to its notoriety.

Joshua Nkanatha announced this on Tuesday during the 60th Jamhuri Day celebrations held at Kirigiti International Stadium in Kiambu subcounty.

Nkanatha said they have started a crackdown and security personnel are arresting those engaging in roadside partying where the young people engage in alcoholism and drugs.

"There is something that has been happening since the time of Covid-19 where young Kenyans have been driving their cars from Nairobi county to Limuru and Githunguri subcounties to come and do parties where they drink and sometimes engage in sexual activities. We are saying that these games we have banned them completely," he said.

The new party trends have seen young people out for a good time and cheap thrills driving into tea plantations, especially in the sides of Limuru accompanied by a DJ and taking alcohol while seated at the back of their cars.

The parties which are highly publicised through TikTok social media platforms where young girls are the majority also see the usage of sheesha, bhang, and drugs.

Nkanatha said that the county security committee has partnered with the county government to ensure that wherever alcohol is consumed those taking it must have an operating permit.

"On the roadside, there is no permit that is there and they also come with a DJ and we are saying we will go on with the crackdown to ensure such kind of behaviour comes to an end," he said.

He said that partnerships and meetings held by all stakeholders in establishing bars and liquor outlets in the county have led to their reduction and ensuring that those operating are doing so within the law.

He said that he has recalled all police officers who are on leave to be on patrol during the Christmas time to ensure that residents are safe and there is no illegal alcohol or drugs on sale during the period.

"Being the festive season some people overindulge in alcoholism while others will leave their homes to go visit their loved ones upcountry and I urge them to alert their neighbours that they have left to avoid theft and that is why I have recalled all my officers to be on patrol to ensure law and order is maintained," he said.

Nkanatha said he has since warned the deputy county commissioners, assistant commissioners, chiefs, officers commanding police divisions and officers commanding stations in Kiambu county that no one should lose their lives through alcoholism.

"We want them to make sure that the citizens are safe. We do not want to hear about alcoholism and the usage of drugs and be wary of illegal aliens. It is time for every leader whether they are in uniform or not to make sure that we end this problem," he said.

He, however also warned those who are involved in stealing Kenya Power transformers adding that they have arrested and arraigned some suspects in court and are in pursuit of their accomplices.

"We are saying that transformer theft is not a problem for Kenya power but a problem for all of us as we are the ones who will be in darkness and we are calling on Kiambu county residents to be on the lookout and report any suspicious activity around the transformers to ensure transformer theft ends," he said.

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