List of artists performing during Mashujaa Day celebrations


•There will be a collaboration of a song titled Kidete that will be performed by Bensoul, Bahati, Fena, Laura and Maimooh.

Eric Wainaina

The country is today celebrating 60 years since Independence.

Like in any event, different artists are expected to perform.

The Permanent Presidential Music Commission produced the performances.

Among those set to perform include musician

  • Eric Wainaina.
  •  Wyre
  • Gilad Millo
  • Nazizi Hirji
  • Fena Gitu
  • Bensoul,
  • Kevin Bahati
  • Karwirwa Laura

There will be a collaboration of a song titled Kidete that will be performed by Bensoul, Bahati, Fena, Laura and Maimooh.

A song titled Champion is in collaboration with various artists including Nazizi, Wyre, Gilad and Johny Skani.

Those who will be performing skits include

  •  Charity Mwamba of Mother-In-Law
  • Jackie Nyaminde aka Wilbroda of Papa Shirandula
  •  Davis Mwabili famously known as Inspekta Mwala
  • Ondiek Nyuka Kwota and Makokha Makacha among others.

Amalgamation of Nairobi Choristers will perform a medley of patriotic songs including Heko Jmahuri, Tunajivunia and Tuishangilie Kenya. 

Lawrence Macharia famously known as Terence Creative is also set to present during the celebration.

Gravitti Band, Citam Karen Men's Chorale and a Medley of Patriotic songs (Brass) performed by the Presidential Escort Unit Band will also be present.

Regional commissioner Katee Mwanza urged Kenyans to turn up in large numbers despite traffic restrictions.

“Please follow guidance from officers if you are driving, you will be assisted with a lot of ease," he said.

Mwanza said all residents in 11 sub-counties will be ferried to the celebrations which will start at 6 am.

"By 8 am everyone should be seated as they enjoy the performances that will be ongoing," he said.

"We appeal for residents of Nairobi to wake up very early in the morning to come and celebrate with us."

The celebration is taking place at Uhuru Gardens in Nairobi where a total of 30,000 people are expected to attend.

At least three Heads of State are expected to be present.