Kitawaramba!! Pst Ng'ang'a warns the government against reclaiming his land

Piece by: Peninah Njoki

• According to the controversial man of God, anyone who wants to take away land from him will face God's wrath.

Pastor Ng'ang'a during his daughters wedding in Karen

Neno Evangelism founder Pastor Nganga is an angry man.

According to the controversial man of God, anyone who wants to take away land from him will face God's wrath.

Ng'ang'a who has lands in different parts of the country explained seeing the government harass Pastor Ezekiel discouraged him from relocating.

The pastor added that he bought his land from the Central Bank of Kenya, and whoever wants it should give him KSh 10 billion.

" If you guys take that land then God did not call me. What you will see will be something you have never seen.

If not that, I swear before God, hutawacha hata mtoto." He warned

He went ahead to label the government as thugs

"These are thugs. Whoever is buying that plot, just know that if it ends well for you, then God did not call me. What pains me the most is that land," he said.

Explaining why he did not relocate his church from Nairobi, he shared

" That's why I never went to Kilifi and Malindi. I said let me wait for another season. If this season does not like you, there is another one coming. There was a time late John Michuki frustrated churches just like how they wanted to take my Nairobi land. I told them to take it, it's not mine, it's God's," he said.

Ng'ang'a said even if he were to die today, the land would haunt anyone who grabs it.

"Even if I die today, that land will eat you all up. Sometimes respect God. It's not my land. Any minister who is undermining this land, I am giving you a strict warning. I am not your peer, we never went to the same school. It pains me. Now I have been called to the courts. I am 70 years old, when will I build God a house?"

He dared anyone who did not believe him to go ahead and grab the land.

"I am speaking as a prophet and if you doubt it, wait for what is coming. If you take that plot, then God did not call me. I will investigate until I find out who this person is and write their name so that tomorrow you don't do that to someone else," He said in conclusion

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