Homeless man wins Sh9.5 million after placing Sh450 bet!

• The man has revealed the smart way he will invest the money.

Image: Courtesy

A homeless man in New Zealand has won $62,712 USD [9.5 million shillings] from a $3 [455 shillings] bet on a horse race in the Melbourne Cup.

According to the New Zealand Herald, the man from Wellington, New Zealand - who goes by his first name Robert - placed a bet at the Petone Men's Club the day before the race, not knowing that it was a small bet, would make him a sudden rich.

Robert checked his account after the race, and had to look twice when he noticed five extra zeros next to his account balance.

"It was a very emotional process, mate," he told the NZ Herald, understandably surprised by the outcome. "I couldn't believe it, and I said to myself, 'there must be something wrong here'."

Robert investigated further before realizing it was no mistake, with green ticks next to his first four easy $3 bets and $62,712 in winnings.

It was a result that could see Robert turn his life around, and that's how he intends to spend the money, after enduring the past nine months living in a garage.

"I've gone from being homeless, living in a garage to finally being able to afford a deposit on a house now," he said.

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