Pastor Ezekiel: Truth set me free, now gospel continues


• Head of New Life Prayer Centre and Church says six-month tribulations have been great test from God.

Pastor Ezekiel Odera.
Image: The-Star

Pastor Ezekiel Odero has declared that, despite the authorities making his life difficult for half a year prior to his Tuesday court absolution, he is not resentful of them.

His six-month ordeal has been a wonderful test from God, according to the leader of New Life Prayer Centre and Church, and truth is the reason for his absolution.

He promised to preach the gospel with greater vigour and enthusiasm going forward.

“This was my test, God trying to see how strong my faith in Him is. After this the Gospel continues,” he said.

The pastor hinted that there were numerous temptations along the way and stated that having his support network has been essential during his trials.

He was accompanied by his wife, son, and supporters on Monday when he filed an application to have the case against him dropped for lack of actual evidence, following the police's failure to inform the court of their investigative progress.

He was released on Tuesday by Shanzu senior principal magistrate Joe Omido.

Odero claimed that Sam Nyaberi, Danstan Omari, and Cliff Ombeta, his solicitors, had journeyed with him on the difficult and lengthy voyage and had grown to be his brothers.

“But one thing I told them, if there is anything that I have done, you come and inspect and bring the media and announce to them anything without informing me. I did that because I knew we did nothing wrong and the church had done nothing wrong,” the pastor said.

He claimed that the church and its destiny were more important than him personally.

“If we hadn’t stood firm, those who depend on us because of their faith would have been heartbroken. But if God saw it fit for us to go through this great test to prove that we are worthy, we say thank you Lord for this test,” Odero said.

“I am not bitter with anyone. Because if I were, then it means I had done wrong. But all those involved, the DCI, the police, I thank them for doing what they had to do,” he said.

“Above all, there is God in Heaven. He does not sleep and does not drink tea in anyone’s house. He answers prayers. This is for the church. And after this, the Gospel continues.”

He said nobody had wronged him and that this was his test.

“God was trying to see whether I can stand with the truth and I will not leave Him after all this,” he said.

Lawyer Ombeta said they will not sue for damages or defamation.

“Pastor has given his word. He has said he is not interested in doing that. He has forgiven everyone, like they have forgiven him,” Ombeta said.

Odero said: “I was preaching the Gospel, arrested while preaching the Gospel, the Gospel has defended itself. Unless the Gospel prosecutes, accuses or charges somebody, for me the Gospel continues.”

Odero was the subject of a six-month police inquiry on charges of murder, aiding suicide, kidnapping, radicalization, genocide, crimes against humanity, child abuse, fraud, and money laundering, both jointly and through conspiracy.

In accordance with police recommendations, the DPP closed the miscellaneous application on Tuesday.

“We are in receipt of the police inquiry files. We have noted that the police investigations are complete with their recommendations. In the circumstances, the reasons upon which bond/bail with conditions pending investigations were granted, has now been overtaken by events,” the DPP, through principal prosecution counsel Anthony Musyoka, said.

Omari commended Renson Ingonga, the newly appointed DPP, for requesting and reviewing Pastor Ezekiel's case, claiming he had demonstrated the restoration of the judiciary's independence.

The Shakahola scandal involving Pastor Paul Mackenzie erupted in March, sparking the drama.

“From nowhere, government and other people forgot the name of Mackezie and thought that Pastor Ezekiel Ombok Odero is Mackenzie. He was arrested and arraigned,” Omari said.

He said Pastor Ezekiel is the only person in Kenya who has faced an allegation of genocide.

“Because that is an international crime that can only be tried at the ICC,” Omari said.

Shakahola, which the man of cloth was linked to, is 200km away from his church in Mavueni, Omari said.

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