Brian Mwenda's bail application to be heard Today


• The prosecution argued that Mwenda was a flight risk and he might abscond if released on bail.

Brian Mwenda

The legal team representing Brian Mwenda will this morning argue his bail application.

Mwenda was detained at the Industrial Area remand after being charged with impersonating a High Court advocate.

The prosecution and the Law Society of Kenya had opposed his release on bail.

The prosecution argued that Mwenda was a flight risk and he might abscond if released on bail.

At the Kibera Law Courts, a case in which three men are charged with possessing Wildlife trophies worth Sh2.5 million will be heard today.

The three are accused of illegally possessing five pieces of Elephant trophies weighing 25kg in a grey Nissan car.

The offence was allegedly committed on September 18, 2017, within Nairobi county.

Separately, High Court Judge Lawrence Mugambi will today confirm whether a recruitment agency has complied with its directions in a case in which it was sued for using the image of a PR graduate for advertising housemaid jobs in the Gulf.

Mugambi had directed Yvonne Maina to serve her suit papers to the agency and the latter to file its responses before today.

Maina filed the case saying the use of her pictures by the company has resulted in people passing that she was or is working as a house girl in partnership with the company as its brand ambassador which is not the case.

This, she says, subjected her to ridicule.

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