List of four counties to experience power blackout today


• The counties affected include Nairobi, Bomet, Trans Nzoia and Nyeri counties.

Kenya Power and Lighting offices
Image: FILE

Four counties are expected to experience power interruptions on Wednesday.

Kenya Power made the announcement on Tuesday evening.

The Power company announced that the interruptions will happen at diverse times of the day in the different counties.

The counties affected include Nairobi, Bomet, Trans Nzoia and Nyeri counties.

Nairobi areas set to experience an outage from 9 am to 5 pm include parts of Runda, Woodvale Drive, Mugumo Drive and parts of Ruaka Road.

Gumo farm and Elgon tea areas of Trans Nzoia County will experience a power outage from 9 am to 3 pm while Ndima and Kiaruhiu areas of Nyeri County will be in blackout from 9 am to 4 pm.

Chebunyo, Emarti and Kaboson areas of Bomet County will experience power outage from 9 am to 4 pm.

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