Firearms Board deny involvement in Uhuru's son gun drama


• The board wants the case by Jomo Kenyatta terminated saying the matter in question is speculative.

Uhuru Kenyatta and his son Jomo Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta's son's firearm license was not revoked, the firearms licensing board has asserted in defense of its actions.

The board disputes Jomo Kenyatta's complaint, claiming that it is unfounded because it did not impound his license. 

"The application is premature and it should be struck out," says the board.

As there are no orders being sought against the Attorney General, it has also asked to be excluded from the proceedings.

The case was scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday but never started.

Some of the parties stated that they had not yet submitted their paperwork in order to have the case decided.

The parties were given ten days by Justice Jairus Ngaah to comply.

He issued instructions preventing the state from suspending Jomo's driver's license before the specified date of October 11.

Jomo begged the court to step in and prevent the state from withdrawing his gun licence "without following the due process set out in the Firearms Act" in his case file from July of this year.

Jomo claimed that no explanation was given when authorities demanded that he turn in his firearms on July 21.

"On inquiry as to the reasons, if any, that had caused an abrupt demand for my firearms, the offices feigned ignorance," Jomo said.

He said he is apprehensive about strong-arm tactics that may be deployed, which is why he is pleading with the court to intervene

"The grounds upon which a firearm license can be revoked are provided in section 5(7) of the Firearms Act, which when read with section 7 (2) (a) (v) of the Fair Administrative Action Act, cannot be invoked without being afforded an opportunity to be heard," Jomo said.

According to the court documents, Jomo's license is valid until April 27, 2024.

The case came following an announcement by  Interior CS Kithure Kindiki on July 25 who said 23 firearms were recovered from three homes in Karen, Nairobi.

The findings, the CS said, followed an operation launched after establishing that weapons used during demos were supplied by civilian gun holders.

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