Update! At least 8 KDF personnel feared dead in Lamu chopper crash

Piece by: The Star Reporter

• The cause of the crash is yet to be established.

• The Department of Defence headquarters said on Tuesday that the Kenya Air Force Huey Helicopter crashed on Monday night while on night patrol in Lamu County.

File Image of a KDF plane

At least eight Kenya Defence Forces personnel are suspected to have died in the Monday, September 18 helicopter crash in Lamu county.

The cause of the crash is yet to be established.

The Department of Defence headquarters said on Tuesday that the Kenya Air Force Huey Helicopter crashed on Monday night while on night patrol in Lamu County.

The DoD did not mention the number of those killed but confirmed the crash.

“The crew and other military personnel onboard were part of an air surveillance squadron intensifying day and night patrols and surveillance for the ongoing Operation Amani Boni,” DoD said in a statement.

“The leadership and entire KDF fraternity condole with the families of the crew. A Board of Inquiry has been constituted and dispatched to the scene to establish the cause of the crash.”

The investigation team was expected at the scene Tuesday afternoon to commence a probe.

Kenyan troops are also in Somalia under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to help in fighting the al Shabaab terror group. KDF went to Somalia in October 2011.

There are plans to withdraw the troops from the area and let Somalia take over.

The terror group has increased attacks in Kenya in a renewed trend that has left dozens of people dead in the past months alone near the Kenya-Somalia border.

Somalia has not had a stable government after the fall of Siad Barre in 1991.

Within Lamu, KDF is part of a multi-agency team that is involved in major operations in areas near the Kenya-Somalia border amid sporadic attacks.

The attacks have left dozens of people dead including security agents. Others are nursing wounds.

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