You might encounter lions on your stay-Ruto to climate delegates


• "A few kilometres from where you are seated, there are human fossils.”

William Ruto
Image: Mpasho

African Climate Summit attendees have been urged to exercise caution whenever they go for walks in the city by President William Ruto.

Ruto stated that the city has wildlife confined a few km away from the city hub, although they occasionally escape during his opening remarks at the summit. The president's comments were made on a light note.

Ruto claimed that his comments were intended to make it simple for the delegates to navigate the capital city.

"Let me give you information that will make it easy to find your way around. Nairobi is a very interesting city on one side there's a full canopy forest and on the other side, we have a wildlife National park," Ruto said.

"We keep the wildlife in the park because we have a fence but sometimes as nature would be they break away. So, while you are doing your morning walk you might encounter a lion please be careful it is not tamed, it is wild."

As the host country's head of state, Ruto, emphasised that the meeting is just one of many factors that make Nairobi the ideal location for the climate action meeting.

Kenya and the African Union are co-hosting the first climate meeting ever.

"Welcome to Nairobi, it's called the green city in the sun. Welcome to Kenya and the African Climate Summit," Ruto added.

Additionally, the head of state welcomed the guests by saying said that humanity began in Kenya.

“I want to officially welcome you home. Kenya is where humanity began. A few kilometres from where you are seated, there are human fossils,” he said.

Ruto also said Kenya is working on ensuring all many countries will access the nation visa-free, as it is home.

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