Enraged Kenyans demand answers and sackings after major blackout


• Kenyans have taken to the social platform X, formerly Twitter to express their frustrations.

Kenya Power and Lighting offices
Image: FILE

Kenyans have voiced their outrage even as the power outage continued into Saturday morning.

Most of the country was affected by the blackout that occurred on Friday night, including Kenyatta International Airport.

Even though the airport and other areas of the Nairobi Metropolitan region received power again, the majority of other areas remained in the dark.

Kenyans have vented their anger on the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter.

Such a crisis, according to user Makori Abuga, is sufficient to force the Minister in charge of the energy portfolio to quit.

“In mature democracies, people like Davies Chirchir would have RESIGNED by now.  President William Ruto should think of handing over KPLC to KDF. The whole country still witnessing blackout. Kenya Power is so shameless! Businesses and activities grounded for 12 hours!” he said.

“Imagine if a plane was landing at JKIA yesterday and the pilot was in communication with the control tower then just once the communication is cut and even the pilot can't see the runway lights due to a #blackout caused by Kenya power. It would have been a disaster. KPLC = Scam,” Pauline Njoroge said.

David Osiany, a former CAS, questioned why it took Kenya Power more than an hour to release a statement regarding the widespread blackout.

Gabriel Ogunda, a different user, requested that Kenya Power be transferred to the Ministry of Defence.

“It's clear the Minister for Energy doesn't understand the national security implications of having a nationwide blackout,” he said in a tweet.

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