Kisumu: Eric Omondi to pay for the treatment of a teenager who was shot 9 times during a protest


"We will raise enough money to pay his hospital bill, build him a house," promised Eric.

Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

Famous comedian Eric Omondi has promised to pay his school fees and build a house for a young man who was allegedly shot eight times by the police during a protest organized by the Unity Declaration coalition.

In a post on his Instagram account, Eric visited the boy in Jaramogi hospital in Kisumu when he was admitted and promised to donate more than two million shillings to the boy.

"Today I visited the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga hospital and spoke to 18 victims of the violence witnessed during the protest but one young man really surprised me.

His name is 17-year-old Fidel Castro. He was shot eight times and is still alive. We will unite as Kenyans and contribute to him to ensure that his life will change completely."

The comedian, who has now turned into a defender of the rights of the poor in the country, continued his promises to the family and added that he will build a house for the boy's mother and open a business for her.

"We will raise enough money to pay his hospital bill, build him a house and open a business for him and his four children."

As of 7:52 this morning Eric announced that he had already donated about 755,000 shillings and continued to plead with Kenyans to join him in this journey to change the lives of Fidel's family.

According to the statement of the young man, the police fired 9 bullets into his back after the police attacked him while he was playing cards with his friends in his home in Nyamasaria, Kisumu county.

"He shot me in the back, and repeated it again. He wanted me to fall down. They shot me nine times in the back. To be honest, I feel very bad and all I can do is ask you to help me get justice."

Last week, the comedian organized a fundraiser for Mr Victor Juma who was arrested in an unusual manner on Wednesday by a plainclothes police officer who posed as a journalist to arrest protesters in Mathare, Nairobi County.

Eric was able to reach 400,000 shillings in the collaboration he did on his Instagram and Facebook accounts.

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