Russian journalist and lawyer badly beaten by armed thugs

They had just landed at the airport in Grozny to attend the court decision for a mother of three banished Kadyrov dissidents.

Piece by: BBC NEWS

• She described being forced out of a car, hit with plastic pipes and having her head shaved and doused in green dye not far from the airport.

, prominent investigative journalist Yelena Milashina was severely attacked by masked men.

Moments after landing in the Russian republic of Chechnya, prominent investigative journalist Yelena Milashina was severely attacked by masked men.

She was traveling with injured attorney Alexander Nemov.

They had just landed at the airport in Grozny to attend the court decision for a mother of three banished Kadyrov dissidents.

But they were unable to make the hearing, where Zarema Musayeva was given a five-and-a-half-year jail term on charges condemned as politically motivated.

The journalist and lawyer described how their car had been ambushed by a group of at least 10 masked men in three cars a short distance from the airport. 

She described being forced out of a car, hit with plastic pipes and having her head shaved and doused in green dye not far from the airport.

"It was a classic kidnapping," Yelena Milashina told a Chechen human rights official in hospital in Grozny.

"They pinned down then threw our driver out of his car, climbed in, bent our heads down, tied my hands, forced me to my knees and put a gun to my head.

"They threw us on the side of the road and started kicking us in the face, all over the body... they stabbed me in the leg," Mr Nemov was quoted as telling the Russian bar association.

Milashina had received death threats in the past from Chechnya's notorious leader, Ramzan Kadyrov.

Chechnya has been run by Ramzan Kadyrov since 2007. A staunch ally of Vladimir Putin and a cheerleader for the war in Ukraine, he has been widely accused of ordering extrajudicial killings, abductions and torture at home.

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