Decomposing body of ex-Treasury staff Osinde found in River Kuja

Police have also recovered polythene papers the suspects used in choking Osinde.Decomposing body of ex-Treasury staff Osinde found in River Kuja


• Police said the body was found in River Kuja on June 22 and had been lying in the mortuary without officials knowing it was him.

• He was finally identified by the family and the two suspects who had been arrested on June 27.

Decomposing body of ex-Treasury staff Osinde found in River Kuja

Tom Osinde, a former Treasury officer who went missing two weeks ago, was found dead in river Kuja in Migori, according to the police.

According to police, the body was discovered in River Kuja on June 22 and had been lying in the mortuary without officials realizing it was him.

He was finally identified by the family and the two suspects who had been arrested on June 27.

The body was picked up by Kamagambo police officers on June 22.

Police have also recovered polythene papers the suspects used in choking Osinde.

They also recovered some of his personal items from a farm where his vandalised car was found abandoned on June 22.

DCI Mohamed Amin confirmed the discovery and identification of Osinde's body.

His brother Enock Nemwel Osinde too confirmed the sad end of a long search for the elder Osinde.

He posted on social media; “Thank you friends for your outpouring of love, prayers and support during my brother's search. Unfortunately, the outcome isn't the one we anticipated. Tom was killed and his body was found in Migori County. Please continue praying for us as try to come to terms.”

Police are holding two workers of Osinde. They are said to have led to the identification of the body.

Osinde went missing on June 18 while traveling from his Nakuru home to Borabu, Kisii, the family said.

Rongai head of DCI Donnata Atieno said the suspects in custody are workers to Osinde at his Ngata home in Nakuru.

They are being investigated over murder and abduction.

One of the workers in custody is a driver to Osinde.

He was seen driving Osinde’s car in his village in Nyamira and to the place it was found dumped and vandalized on the roadside in Kiligoris.

He is said to have driven the four-wheel motor vehicle to a car wash in Osinde’s village a day after he was reported missing.

“He told us to wash the car from outside only because it was not dirty inside,”  one of the car wash attendants said.

The suspect had spent the night in his village with Osinde’s car which was unusual and shocking to the villagers and neighbors.

He then drove it to Kilgoris and abandoned it there, police investigations show.

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