Police accused of cover-up in Mombasa murder

Kaloleni subcounty Criminal Investigation Officer Ndunda Ndonye was non-committal on the investigations, instead referring the press to the Kilifi County Criminal Investigation Officer.


• Two months after the killing no suspect has been apprehended yet CCTV footage capturing the faces of the two suspects was handed over to the Kaloleni subcounty detectives.

• The family is accusing police of a cover-up. 

Crime Scene
Image: Courtesy

The family of businessman Masoud Musa, 21, who was murdered inside his shop in  Kadzonzo, Kaloleni, in April is appealing to the police to speed up investigations to unravel the mystery of the killing.

Two months after the killing no suspect has been apprehended yet CCTV footage capturing the faces of the two suspects was handed over to the Kaloleni subcounty detectives.

The family is accusing police of a cover-up. 

Kaloleni subcounty Criminal Investigation Officer Ndunda Ndonye was non-committal on the investigations, instead referring the press to the  Kilifi County Criminal Investigation Officer. 

 “Two months ago, my son was killed while closing the shop. He was accosted by robbers armed with guns around 8.30pm, who killed him. We took the body for postmortem in Mombasa and we buried him the following day according to Islamic teachings,’’ said Musa Hajj, father of the slain businessman. 

“We have followed up on the case but up to now justice has not been done. My son's blood was spilt here. As a father, I feel a lot of pain. I am a taxpayer, the shop has been in existence for the last 10 years, and I appeal for justice,” Hajj said. 

Hajj said they have been taken in circles by the police in their bid to get justice for his son. 

For the last two months,” he said, “I have been visiting DCI offices who have been assuring me that investigations are ongoing. I feel pain at night.” 

“If a child dies, it is the government's responsibility to investigate, we appeal for justice. I don't know how I will educate my children and run my business. I am stressed."

Ahmed Abdi, chairman of the Somali community living in Kaloleni, said the father of the deceased has been using his resources to facilitate movements of investigating officers from Nairobi to Mariakani, yet there are no results. 

“It is not good to see citizens dying like that; it is just like a dog that has died,’’ said Abdi.

An aunt of the deceased, Jamila Ibrahim, said they will only get comfort when they will know the killers of their son.

 Francis Auma, a rapid response officer with Muslim for Human Rights, called out the Kaloleni police for dragging the investigation.

“Are you incompetent or deliberately inactive? CS Kindiki must intervene. We are giving them 14 days ultimatum, if there is no inquest file we will stage a demonstration outside the Mariakani police station. We will follow all the legal avenues for the family to get justice.” 

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