Uhuru kicked out as Jubilee Party leader

Kanini Kega has replaced the former president with nominated MP Sabina Chege as party leader in an acting capacity.


• The team led by acting secretary general Kanini Kega has replaced the former president with nominated MP Sabina Chege as party leader in an acting capacity.

• Making the announcement, Kega said the decision was made by the Jubilee National Executive Council during a meeting held on Tuesday.

Uhuru Kenyatta

The ongoing woes in the Jubilee party have taken a dramatic twist after a faction loyal to President William Ruto kicked out Uhuru Kenyatta as party leader.

The team led by acting secretary general Kanini Kega has replaced the former president with nominated MP Sabina Chege as party leader in an acting capacity.

Making the announcement, Kega said the decision was made by the Jubilee National Executive Council during a meeting held on Tuesday.

"The office of the party leader is hereby declared vacant and pending the decision of the NDC the Hon. Sabina Chege will be the acting party leader of the Jubilee party," Kega said during a press conference.

Kega said the NEC, which he said was attended by 22 out of the 28 members, made a decision after Uhuru allegedly violated the party constitutions and the laws of the land.

He cited the Presidential Retirement and Benefits Act which bars Uhuru from holding a leadership position in a party six months after the elections.

Uhuru should have quit his party post by March 13, being six months after he handed over power to Ruto.

"The former party leader has also misconducted himself by purporting to make pronouncements on behalf of the party," he said, adding that Uhuru's conduct has been referred to the party disciplinary committee.

"The matter of the misconduct is hereby referred to the national disciplinary committee for further action," he said.

For instance, Kega said Uhuru has violated the party constitution by summoning a National Delegates Convention for May 22 through NEC resolutions attended by only seven members.

"The purported NEC meeting did not have a quorum as provided by the constitution, it had seven members of whom three are suspended pending the internal dispute resolution mechanisms,'' he said.

He said by holding a NEC meeting with suspended officials, Uhuru was in contravention of the Jubilee constitution.

According to Kega's team, the notice for the NEC meeting was not given within seven days as provided for in the party constitution.

The NEC said it will soon publish an NDC notice in which the party members will have an opportunity to make a decision about the future of the party.

Uhuru had last week stormed the Jubilee headquarters in a bid to stamp his authority and dismissed Kega's faction.

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