Minors who survived Shakahola cult recount horror tales

"They told me they were denied food and were told not to go to school to a point they decided to run away,"


• The CS said the children opened up on what transpired during their stay at the farm.

• "The children said that there were about six security officers who followed them to make sure they don't eat and observe the fast."

Security officers dig up shallow graves at Shakahola to exhume bodies on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.

Some of the children rescued from the farm of controversial preacher Paul Mackenzie in Shakahola, Kilifi county have revealed some shocking details.

The revelations emerged after they interacted with Labour and Social Protection CS Florence Bore on Wednesday.

The CS said the children opened up on what transpired during their stay at the farm.

"The children are safe, they have been able to eat and drink water," she said.

"I have interacted with them for almost two hours, they opened up and said who did what. They know Mackenzie himself, they know the people who are working with Mackenzie."

According to the CS, the children said that there were about six security officers who followed them to make sure they don't eat and observe the fast so that they can go to heaven.

"They told me that they were denied food and were told not to go to school, so they decided to run away," she said.

"One of them gave a story of how he was rescued by a herdsman."

The CS added that some children got were rescued by bodaboda riders as others escaped using a bicycle.

The CS said alt least ten boys and one girl are safe at the children's home in Malindi.

She added that two children are admitted to the hospital and are receiving treatment.

Mackenzie is suspected of indoctrinating followers of his Good News International Church into fasting to death with the belief of ascending to heaven to meet Jesus Christ.

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