Govt. being pressured to fire security officials after Shakahola horror

MPs want government to hold officers who slept on the job accountable


• Pressure is mounting on the government to fire top security chiefs who are accused of sleeping in the job amid the Shakahola cult deaths.

• There have been concerns that the region's security chiefs failed to detected, abate or avert deaths in the expansive Shakahola ranch.

Paul Mackenzie
Image: The-Star

Pressure is mounting on the government to fire top security chiefs who are accused of sleeping on the job amid the Shakahola cult deaths.

There have been concerns that the region's security chiefs failed to detect, abate or avert deaths in the expansive Shakahola ranch as people starved to death.

At least 90 bodies have been exhumed from mass graves in the 800-acre land in Malindi, exposing security chiefs with the deaths likely to surpass 100 people.

More than 200 others believed to be followers of controversial preacher Paul Mackenzie have been reported missing.

There are reports that the government could make far-reaching changes in the security command of the region in the coming days as a response to the heinous killings.

Mackenzie's followers are said to have moved into the vast Shakahola Forest to fast to death in an effort to allegedly meet Jesus Christ.

Kilifi Woman Representative Gertrude Mwanyanje said the government must crack the whip on officers who failed to act to avert the deaths.

"It is not going to be business as usual.....we expect nothing but a total overhaul of the security sector in that region,'' she said.

However, when Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki visited Shakahola on Tuesday he did not indicate whether heads will roll.

Kindiki promised that the government will thoroughly investigate the massacre and bring all those responsible to book.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi has asked the government to overhaul the Kilifi county security team and to hold them to account for the deaths.

"Just how did these deaths occur without the country's elaborate security machinery picking this intelligence right from the Nyumba Kumi to the National Intelligence Service?" Wandayi asked.

"There is no way these killings could have happened in this country without the knowledge of the security agencies.'"

On Tuesday night, Kilifi Governor Gideon Mungáro said his administration has no capacity to collect intelligence as that is the work of the security agencies.

"As a county government we have no access to intelligence...again that is a vast area of land where our administrators cannot access,'" he said.

The responsibility to gather, process and analyse intelligence is bestowed on the country's NIS.

In the 2022-23 budget the National Intelligence Service was allocated a huge budget of Sh3.5 billion for its operations.

However, National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations also play a key role in the gathering of intelligence at the grassroots and responding to avert deaths or destruction of properties.

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